
Poinsettia Season Approaches

From the beginning of December we will be starting our poinsettia sales again. We offer a high quality assortment of pot size 6 poinsettias in 3 colours: red, white and marble.

Did you know that this plant even has its own holiday? Poinsettia day is celebrated on the 12th of December in the US. On this day, surprising your friends and loved ones with a poinsettia is all the rage. In recent years, this trend has caught on in Europe as well. Start preparing for poinsettia season in advance by contacting sales manager Paul Berkhout: tel: +31 (0)6 53 16 1591

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chrysabella assortiment


Berkhout Plants kultiviert Topfchrysanthemen der Chrysabella-Kollektion.

chrysabella inspiratie


Es gibt für jede Saison Chrysanthemen, für drinnen und für draußen.

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Die Topfchrysanthemen Chrysabella sind sehr pflegeleichte Pflanzen.

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